In Array Modifier Grid Tutorial, we saw how we can create object in Grid.
You can modify that script to create a duplicator. The change that you have to make is, Instead of creating new object and adding array modifier, duplicate selected object and add modifier on duplicated object.
That script has limitation:
If you want to use same mesh data. (In viewport, alt D instead of shift D)
If object has animation or material that you want to handle separately based on situation.
So, we need a way to duplicate/create objects.
I had written this script as blender addon for an “Animation Nodes” project. If you find it’s settings unintuitive that’s because it is very project oriented. The blender operator version of this script is much shorter. Reason being, changing parameters(property) in operators, undos old operation and redos operation with new parameters. While I can delete and recreate in code too, but I have used simple ‘Object Pool’ 1 mechanism.
This script is a bit advanced. This is over 300 lines long, but that is because I have copied some very common functions related to collection and object creation from a package that I keep in module folder. In my PC I could have imported that module. Last 100 lines or so is code related to UI creation. ‘Object Pool’ functionality has taken a lot of lines too.
Most important function is at line 98 onCopiesChanged
you can go through that and read comments.
last line in ui_elements
is op.onCancel.append(cleanup)
which appends cleanup
to delete any remaining extra objects when operator finishes.
This can have bugs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 | # "name": "Duplicates selected objects in Grid"
# bl_label = "My AN Duplicate Objects in Grid"
from boss.ui_creator import UICreator,Boss_OT_base_ui,RectData,FieldValue
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector, Euler, Matrix
import math
total_copies = 0
deleted = 0
dict_objsToDelete:dict = {}
dict_createdObj:dict = {}
dict_collections:dict = {}
vbf_center :None
cb_inNewCollection :None
cb_collectionUnderScene :None
vif_copies :None
cb_distribution :None
vff_translate :None
def find_collection(context, item):
collections = item.users_collection
if len(collections) > 0:
return collections[0]
return context.scene.collection
def make_collection(collection_name, parent_collection):
if collection_name in bpy.data.collections: # Does the collection already exist?
return bpy.data.collections[collection_name]
new_collection = bpy.data.collections.new(collection_name)
parent_collection.children.link(new_collection) # Add the new collection under a parent
return new_collection
def delete_collection(collection_name):
allColls = bpy.data.collections
allColls.remove(bpy.data.collections[collection_name], do_unlink=True)
def getCollection(obj):
inNewCollection, collectionUnderScene = (cb_inNewCollection.value, cb_collectionUnderScene.value)
C = bpy.context
objCollection = find_collection(C, obj)
# new_collection is the collection where duplicated objects will be
# childed.
new_collection = objCollection
if inNewCollection:
if collectionUnderScene:
new_collection = make_collection(obj.name + '_duplicated', C.scene.collection)
new_collection = make_collection(obj.name + '_duplicated', objCollection)
return new_collection
def copyObj(objToCopy, copyMesh, copyMat, copyAnim):
ob = objToCopy.copy()
if copyMesh:
ob.data = ob.data.copy()
if copyMat:
for slot in ob.material_slots:
slot.material = slot.material.copy()
if copyAnim:
if objToCopy.animation_data and objToCopy.animation_data.action:
ob.animation_data.action = objToCopy.animation_data.action.copy()
# print('object has no animation data')
return ob
def cleanup():
allObjs = bpy.data.objects
for objList in dict_objsToDelete.values():
for o in objList:
allObjs.remove(o, do_unlink=True)
def renameObjs():
copies = vif_copies.value
for obj, objList in dict_createdObj.items():
i = 0
for x in range(copies[0]):
for y in range(copies[1]):
for z in range(copies[2]):
objList[i].name = obj.name + '_dupli_' + str(x) + '_' + str(y) + '_' + str(z)
i += 1
def onCopiesChanged():
global total_copies
global deleted
global dict_objsToDelete
copies = vif_copies.value
new_total_copies = copies[0] * copies[1] * copies[2]
if new_total_copies > total_copies:
# new objects will be created.
objToCreateCnt = new_total_copies - total_copies
# check if objects are available in deleted
if deleted >= objToCreateCnt:
# enough objects are in deleted dict.
# new objects won't be created.
for (obj, deletedObjList), createdObjList in zip(dict_objsToDelete.items(), dict_createdObj.values()):
moveToCreated = deletedObjList[:objToCreateCnt]
del deletedObjList[:objToCreateCnt]
for mtc in moveToCreated:
deleted = deleted - objToCreateCnt
# not enough objects in deleted
# first move all deleted to the created.
for (obj, deletedObjList), createdObjList in zip(dict_objsToDelete.items(), dict_createdObj.values()):
moveToCreated = deletedObjList[:]
for mtc in moveToCreated:
toCreateMore = objToCreateCnt - deleted
for (obj, coll), createdObjList in zip(dict_collections.items(), dict_createdObj.values()):
for i in range(toCreateMore):
ob = copyObj(obj, False, False, True)
ob.name = obj.name + '_dupli_' + str(total_copies + deleted + i)
deleted = 0
# objects will be destroyed.
# number of objects to delete from each object list
objToDelCnt = total_copies - new_total_copies
for obj, createdObjList in dict_createdObj.items():
temp = createdObjList[-objToDelCnt:]
del createdObjList[-objToDelCnt:]
for t in reversed(temp):
deleted += objToDelCnt
total_copies = new_total_copies
def placeObjects():
center, distribution, translate, copies = (vbf_center.value, cb_distribution.value, vff_translate.value, vif_copies.value)
global dict_createdObj
global dict_collections
for obj, objList in dict_createdObj.items():
initLoc = Vector((0, 0, 0))
step = Vector((0, 0, 0)) # gap between objects
if distribution:
step = translate
initLoc[0] = obj.location[0] - ((copies[0] - 1) * step[0]) / 2 if center[0] else obj.location[0]
initLoc[1] = obj.location[1] - ((copies[1] - 1) * step[1]) / 2 if center[1] else obj.location[1]
initLoc[2] = obj.location[2] - ((copies[2] - 1) * step[2]) / 2 if center[2] else obj.location[2]
step[0] = 0 if copies[0] == 1 else translate[0] / (copies[0] - 1)
step[1] = 0 if copies[1] == 1 else translate[1] / (copies[1] - 1)
step[2] = 0 if copies[2] == 1 else translate[2] / (copies[2] - 1)
initLoc[0] = obj.location[0] if copies[0] == 1 else (obj.location[0] - translate[0] / 2 if center[0] else obj.location[0])
initLoc[1] = obj.location[1] if copies[1] == 1 else (obj.location[1] - translate[1] / 2 if center[1] else obj.location[1])
initLoc[2] = obj.location[2] if copies[2] == 1 else (obj.location[2] - translate[2] / 2 if center[2] else obj.location[2])
i = 0
for x in range(copies[0]):
for y in range(copies[1]):
for z in range(copies[2]):
# transformations:
objList[i].location[0] = initLoc[0] + step[0] * x
objList[i].location[1] = initLoc[1] + step[1] * y
objList[i].location[2] = initLoc[2] + step[2] * z
i += 1
def onUnderSceneCollectionPressed():
if not cb_inNewCollection.value:
if cb_collectionUnderScene.value:
for obj, coll in dict_collections.items():
objColl = find_collection(bpy.context, obj)
for obj, coll in dict_collections.items():
objColl = find_collection(bpy.context, obj)
def onNewCollectionChanged():
global dict_collections
global dict_createdObj
for obj, objList in dict_createdObj.items():
oldColl = dict_collections[obj]
newColl = getCollection(obj)
if newColl == oldColl:
dict_collections[obj] = newColl
for o in objList:
if cb_inNewCollection.value:
delete_collection(obj.name + '_duplicated')
def ui_elements_inGrid(op: Boss_OT_base_ui):
""" duplicated selected objects in order in new collection """
ttt_under_scene = (
'If collection is not on, then ignored',
'otherwise created collection will be under',
"'Scene collection' if on, and under object's",
'collection if off '
objs = bpy.context.selected_objects
if len(objs) < 1:
return {'no object selected, select something'}
global vbf_center
global cb_inNewCollection
global cb_collectionUnderScene
global vif_copies
global cb_distribution
global vff_translate
global total_copies
global dict_createdObj
global dict_collections
cc = UICreator
mouse_x,mouse_y = cc.mouse_xy(op)
btn_title = cc.button(op, rectData=(mouse_x,mouse_y-50,200,50),text='DuplicateGrid')
fv = FieldValue(
value=(3, 3, 1),
min=(0, 0, 0),
max=(10, 10, 10),
changeBy=(1, 1, 1)
vif_copies = cc.vectorIntField(op, btn_title.rectData.getBottom(5), fv, onCopiesChanged,
parent=btn_title, canDrag=False)
vff_translate = cc.vectorFloatField(op, vif_copies.rectData.getBottom(5), (2.0, 2.0, 2.0), placeObjects, parent=btn_title,canDrag=False)
cb_distribution = cc.checkBox(op, vff_translate.rectData.getBottom(5), 'distribution', True, placeObjects, parent=btn_title,canDrag=False) # True is step , false is range
vbf_center = cc.vectorBooleanField(op, cb_distribution.button.rectData.getBottom(5), value=(True, True, True),
onValueChange=placeObjects, parent=btn_title,canDrag=False)
cb_inNewCollection = cc.checkBox(op, rectData=vbf_center.rectData.getBottom(5), text='new collection',
ttt='Create objects in new collection',
value=True, onValueChange=onNewCollectionChanged,parent=btn_title,canDrag=False)
cb_collectionUnderScene = cc.checkBox(op, rectData=cb_inNewCollection.button.rectData.getBottom(5),
text='under the scene', value=False, ttt=ttt_under_scene,
total_copies = vif_copies.value[0] * vif_copies.value[1] * vif_copies.value[2]
# create collections in the beginning
dict_collections = {obj : getCollection(obj) for obj in objs}
dict_createdObj.update({o: [] for o in objs})
dict_objsToDelete.update({o: [] for o in objs})
# Create new objects and link those to collection
for (obj, coll), createdObjList in zip(dict_collections.items(), dict_createdObj.values()):
for i in range(total_copies):
ob = copyObj(obj, False, False, True)
ob.name = obj.name + '_dupli_' + str(i)
# place objects
- 1
Object Pool is a technique, frequently used in games, in which, objects are created/destroyed from a pool of objects. So, a few objects can be created in the beginning and whenever objects need to be created/deleted they are pulled from/pushed to that pool. This increases the performance as memory is not freed every time an object is deleted and then again allocated when object is recreated. So, it’s easy on garbage collector.