
Once, script become part of your workflow, you will have 1000s of script, some will save you 30 seconds and some that save you 2 minutes.

Quick Run” will help you organize 1000’s of files easily and can save you a lot of time. Moreover, How it will do it, go through pages in this section to find out.


If you have used programs like Maya, you know how important shelf can be. If you do, you can skip this note. If you don’t or those who haven’t used Maya, should know that it’s simply container for scripts, which can be used for storing 1 line script or a whole program.

Now forget about Maya, Imagine you are new to any software and you want to save camera position in a large scene because you keep coming back to that position. As you are a beginner, you don’t know right way of doing it in the software. What would you do?

Imagine you are making a character smile, so you want to select control curves for lips, cheeks and eye region. You keep finding yourself selecting the same thing again and again. You want to store it somewhere but, since you are a beginner, you don’t know how that particular software does that. What would you do?

Now think of above two situation combined, meaning, you want to focus on character’s face (change camera position) and select the facial control curve. What would you do?

Following are the solution in the form of pseudocode, you can see they are only few lines of code.

solution for situation 1: camera.positon = (xPos,yPos,zPos); camera.eulerAngles = (xRot,yRot,zRot)

solution for situation 2: pseudocode select_object([cc_lips,cc_cheeks,cc_eyes])

solution for situation 3: solution 1 + solution 2

Just by pressing those button, you saved 30 seconds to 1 minute!!

Point to reiterate is, if you got the hang of saving scripts, you would easily have huge number of scripts(>1000). This addon will help you with that.